- Lakeside School
- Discipline Plan
Discipline Plan
The Board of Trustees of the Lakeside Union School District believes that the conduct of students attending the school must establish an educational climate conducive to the furtherance of educational opportunities for youth and the promotion of learning. To assure this aim the people of the state have empowered local boards of education to regulate student conduct.
"The governing board of any school district shall prescribe rules not inconsistent with law or with rules prescribed by the State Board of Education, for the government and discipline of the schools under its jurisdiction." (E.C. 35291)
"All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of the schools." (E.C. 48921)
Students who fail to comply with these rules and regulations will be counseled, reprimanded, suspended or expelled and/or arrested as the laws are applied. This discipline policy applies while on school grounds and while going to or coming from school. You have the right to review the school rules regarding student discipline.
Recognition for Good Conduct
During each school year, eligible students will receive recognition for outstanding achievement shown in scholarship, citizenship, leadership, participation in school activities and sports participation.
There will be an end-of-the-year reward trip for eligible 4th - 7th grade students. Only students who meet the following criteria are eligible for the trip.
- Received no more than five (5) Disciplinary Referrals.
- Have not been suspended from school for one (1) day.
- Have not been assigned to more than three (3) Bulldog Day Homework Academies.
- Received less than four (4) bus referrals.
Bulldog Day is a reward for students who follow the rules and make their best effort in class. For kindergarten through 5th grade students there will be a Bulldog Day celebration scheduled each month. Students in 6th – 8th grades will have quarterly Bulldog Days. Following are criteria for Bulldog Day eligibility:
- Students may have no more than two (2) verbal warnings (Step 1 entries) on their Discipline Card for the month/quarter.
- Students who receive a Disciplinary Referral or have been suspended during that month/quarter will not be eligible to participate.
- Students who miss six (6) or more assignments per class between Bulldog Days will be assigned to a Homework Academy. Each year, the faculty will choose outstanding eighth grade students. These awards will be presented at graduation.
Progressive Discipline Plan
The staff at Lakeside School believes that every student should have the opportunity to learn skills and values that are necessary for personal development and social order in a free society. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary for students to behave in a safe orderly way for an effective learning environment.
Every student has the right to learn and be safe, and no one has the right to interrupt learning or make others feel unsafe.
Outlined below is Lakeside School’s Progressive Discipline Plan that stipulates behaviors that will not be allowed at school. Also outlined are the possible consequences of engaging is such behaviors. Each student will have a Student Discipline Card in which teachers will record each disciplinary incident. Staff members will utilize their classroom management system and give verbal warnings prior to progressing through the Consequences.
Please read and discuss these with your children. With your assistance, the school will strive to provide the best possible learning environment for all children.
Examples of Behavior
Menu of Possible Consequences
Type A Behaviors
Step 1
Violation of classroom rules
Unauthorized food, gum, etc
Verbal Warning
Refocus Sheet
In unauthorized area or no hall pass
Discussion with student
Disrespect to fellow students
Behavior is recorded on student’s discipline card
Inappropriate items (CD player, toys, cards, etc.)
- 2 entries per quarter = teacher calls parent
Failure to line up when bell rings
Failure to keep hands & feet to self
Dress Code violation
Type B Behaviors
Step 2
Repeated violations of Type A Behaviors
Lying, cheating
Getting into someone else’s locker
Behavior is recorded on student’s discipline card
Frequent tardies
Disciplinary Referral and detention
Chronic disruption of class
Parent contact by telephone from teacher
Throwing food in cafeteria
Possible restriction of privileges
Display of gang writings, symbols, etc.
Possible suspension if necessary
Unacceptable language
Continually unprepared for class
Rough Play (wrestling, etc.)
Excessive physical contact (hugging, kissing, etc.)
Failure to serve detention
Type C Behaviors
Step 3
Repeated violations of Type B Behaviors
Cause or threaten to cause bodily injury to another (fighting)
Behavior is recorded on student’s discipline card
Possession of a dangerous item (explosive, lighter, etc.)
One to five day suspension
Possession of tobacco or smoking
Parent Conference required
Damage to school or private property
Parent Notification by Administrator
Profanity, obscene language or gestures toward student or staff
Restriction from privileges
Disrespect/impertinence/defiance to authority
Possible Disciplinary Referral
Possible Behavior Contract
Lewd, indecent, offensive conduct/sexual harassment
Possible Community School Referral
Stealing/Possession of stolen property
Type D Behaviors
Step 4
Repeated violations of Type C Behaviors
Behavior is recorded on student’s discipline card
Possession/furnish of any controlled substance or alcohol
Parent Notification by Administrator
Under the influence of a controlled substance
One to five day suspension
Possession/furnish a weapon (knife, firearm replica, etc.)
Possible expulsion
Brandishing a weapon/knife at another person
Referral to Law enforcement
Restriction of activities/privileges
Chronic defiance not modified by previous progressive discipline
Community School Referral
Assault/battery upon any school employee
Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion
A pupil may not be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion, unless the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has committed an act as defined pursuant to any of Education Code 48900 subdivisions.
(a) Fighting/Assault
In most cases of fighting, there will be an immediate suspension of all parties. Occasionally, a student may not be suspended or receive fewer days of suspension than other parties, if evidence clearly indicates he/she was not the aggressor and in fact was under an unprovoked attack and was acting strictly in self-defense. Self-defense means the student tries everything in his/her power to evade the attack, but cannot and must use force for self-protection. If the fight is a second offense for any of the individuals, a two to five day suspension may be in order. A third fighting incident may result in the transfer of the student to a continuation school.