8th Grade Graduation

  • Dear Parents/Guardians of 8th Grade Students:
    The Board of Trustees believes that graduation from public school implies that the student has satisfactorily completed the course requirements as prescribed by the board. Graduation exercises shall be marked with dignity and simplicity and shall be of a pleasant and memorable type. Graduation exercises shall be planned by the principal and teachers involved. Diplomas of graduation shall be presented to each pupil completing the 8th grade.

    Changes in the federal law now require that the district inform you that we intend to send the records of your child to the appropriate high school. These records include a history of your child's attendance, grades, work habits, test scores, and health history. You may make an appointment to inspect these records at the school before June 1. You may request a copy of the records at twenty cents per page. You may challenge, in writing, any item in the records.

    Graduation Criteria
    1. All students must attain an academic achievement of 2.0 GPA as certified by the homeroom teacher.
    2. Any student who receives two or more Fs for quarter grades in English–language arts, math, history, or science, in 7th or 8th grade may be ineligible for 8th grade graduation activities.
    3. No student shall graduate who has a chronic record of being absent without satisfactory reason. A doctor must verify any lengthy absence due to illness. If a student's total number of days of absence exceeds 10% of the total school days and no verification of illness is forthcoming, that student will be declared ineligible to graduate.
    4. Any student who anticipates graduating must retain a respectable level of conduct with no more than six (6) referrals or two (2) suspensions. It will be up to the discretion of the Board of Trustees if there is a single occasion of severe behavior that warrants a student to be denied the privilege of participating in graduation ceremonies.
    5. Any student wishing to participate in the graduation ceremonies must be in attendance (except for an emergency) the last full week of school.
    6. Double promotions must be made previous to or at mid-year before any student can qualify for graduation, i.e., a 7th grade student may be promoted to the 8th grade.
    7. Graduation dress code: Gowns will be purchased by students and must be worn for the ceremony. At a minimum, the school dress code applies. No shorts, sunglasses, or accessories allowed unless approved by administration prior to ceremony.
    8. Any student found to be in possession of any alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or narcotics at any time throughout his 8th grade year should not be permitted to take part in the graduation ceremonies.
    9. Any 8th grade student who has a chronic record of juvenile hall detention will not be allowed to take part in any graduation ceremonies.
    10. Any 8th grade student who enrolls during the last five weeks of his/her last year will not be included in the graduation ceremonies unless acceptable documentation is received by the district that the student has achieved an academic level commensurate with the district standards.
    11. Any student with any of the above violations will have their report card and diploma mailed to them.
    12. Students must meet the Social Promotion and Retention requirements of the district.
    13. A student’s diploma will not be released if there are any outstanding charges for lunches, library, textbooks or etc. for the parent or student. Also, diplomas will be held for any student needing to complete a summer program for completion of the 8th grade (proof of completion will be required).
    14. Graduation Reward Trip and/or Graduation Party misconduct may result in being ineligible to participate in the graduation ceremony.
    15. The graduation ceremony is meant to be a dignified event with proper decorum. Students not exhibiting proper decorum during the ceremony may be removed from the ceremony.
    Graduation Reward Trip/Party Criteria
    1. No student shall attend the graduation trip that has a chronic record of absence without satisfactory reason. A doctor must verify any lengthy absence due to illness. If a student's total number of absence days exceeds 10% of the total school days and no verification of illness is forthcoming, that student will be declared ineligible to attend.
    2. No student shall attend the graduation trip or party if he/she receives more than six (6) referrals or two (2) suspensions during the school year.
    3. Any student who anticipates going on the trip or to the party must retain a respectable level of conduct. It will be up to the discretion of school administration and/or the Board of Trustees if a student's public behavior warrants a dismissal from the trip or party.
    4. Any student found to be extremely disrespectful to school personnel (certificated or classified) shall be refused permission to take the trip or go to the party.
    5. Any student found to be in possession of any alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs, or narcotics during any time throughout his/her 8th grade year (either on school grounds or elsewhere) shall not be permitted to make the trip or go to the party.
    6. Any student picked up on the trip for violation of alcohol, drugs, or stealing will be held at a security facility. Parents will be notified to pick them up. Those students will NOT return on the Lakeside bus.
    7. Upon arrival at the destination, students will be under the direct supervision of the park security.