- Lakeside School
- Welcome
Mr. Andreotti
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Welcome to Lakeside School! My goal for this year is to promote an environment of respect, responsibility, compassion, learning, and creativity within the classroom. Feel free to contact me in person and/or by phone or e-mail if you have any questions throughout the school year.
This course examines the history of the United States between the founding of Jamestown to the Progressive Era. This course will be divided into six sections. In the first and second sections we will examine the events that led to the American Revolution and the Constitution. The third and fourth sections will deal with the issue of slavery and how the question of slavery led to the Civil War, and the fifth and sixth sections will deal with Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, and the Progressive Era. By the end of the year students will be able to explain key historical events and institutions of the United States.
Course Objectives:
- Knowledge of the history of the United States to 1914.
- Skills in analyzing primary source materials.
- Skills in analyzing scholarly arguments.
- A chronological understanding of important events, people and locations.
- An understanding of diversity by exploring the historical contributions of ordinary and significant figures in American history, including women, and ethnic and racial minorities.
- Online Textbook (Provided by Lakeside)
- https://www.discoveryeducation.com
- Sing in with your Lakeside Google account
Lakeside Union School District provides an online student and parent portal to allow both students and parents to check student progress. Using the link below or the link located on www.lakesideusd.org you will be able to access student grades.
Illuminate Education:
The students will be taking all assessments (multiple choice, short answer questions) using Illuminate Education. This allows the students to receive instant feedback allows me to track each student’s progress throughout the year in a more efficient manner.
Canvas/Google Classroom:
Our class agenda and all student assignments will be posted weekly on Canvas and Google Classroom. If students are absent they can complete most class assignments at home and turn them in online.
Online Cornell Notes:
Cornell notes count as 15% of the overall history grade. To receive full points, the notebook must be organized using Cornell note style and contain all of each week’s class notes.
Homework Policy:
Students will be completing all work in class. They will be responsible for completing work that they do not finish. ALL WORK IS DUE AT THE END OF THE DAY ON FRIDAY.
Grade Breakdown:
40% = Document Analysis
40% = Weekly Quizzes/Midterm/Final
15% = Cornell Notebook Check
5% = Participation/Citizenship
Weekly Schedule:
Monday-Tuesday: Cornell Notes, Discussion, Essential Questions.
Wednesday: Document Analysis, Socratic Seminars, Textbook Readings.
Thursday: Kahoot, Weekly Review, Document Analysis.
Friday: Quizzes, Turn in Document Analysis, Notebook Check.
Graduation Requirements:
- Maintain a respectable level of conduct with no more than 6 disciplinary referrals and/or 2 suspensions.
- Sustain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0.
- Any student who receives two or more Fs for quarter grades in English–language arts, math, history, or science, in 7th or 8th grade may be ineligible for 8th grade graduation activities.
- Not exceed an absentee rate of 20% of the total number of enrolled school days and no verification of illness forthcoming.